One of the weight loss challenges faced by dieters are stalls which may occur more frequently if you are 5 to 10 pounds away from being at your goal weight. But, one weight loss tip when this happens may be simply that it is time to rethink your goal weight. Perhaps your body is trying to tell you something and its time to start maintaining your weight loss rather than trying to lose more.
Other weight loss tips when weight loss stalls is to make sure your carbohydrate level is in check. If you are eating too many carbohydrate grams per day, your weight loss will stall. Look for hidden carbohydrates in packaged foods, dressings and sauces to make sure they aren't the culprits in your plateau.
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Weight loss tips also include check your daily water intake. When you are dehydrated, your body will retain water and that can mimic a plateau. Water will also help flush ketones from your system and make more room for new fat burning ketones.
Other weight loss tips include making sure that you are not undereating which can also be a cause for weight loss plateaus. Make sure not to let yourself go hungry and eat smaller, more frequent meals. Remember, to make sure to have some protein with every meal and snack. Never go more than 5 hours without eating something (except overnight of course). Also, eat freely from the acceptable foods. Don't try to count calories or restrict your calorie intake. When your body gets too few calories, it goes into starvation mode and will hold onto fat cells.
Increasing your exercise levels are other weight loss tips that can help get you through a weight loss stall as well. As your muscles get used to working out at a certain level, you'll have to increase the duration or the intensity in order to keep challenging your body. Add a new exercise into the mix, or try increasing weight in resistance training.
Trying one of these weight loss tips will most likely get your weight loss back on track. Remember that occasional stalls are normal, but they do not have to last.
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